Ok, I have said this phrase a million times before, but this time I really mean it. Why didn't I think of this?? I came across this brilliant web site; "Shabby Apple".
Why is it so great? Do you know what body type you have? Do you know what dress looks best on you?? Well, you can find out by taking a 3 question quiz find out what styles look best on YOUR body, and then you can purchase one of their stylin dresses online! Plus they are all modest and cute! It is like having a personal shopper!
Are you; Hourglass | Apple | Pear | Pencil | Athletic | Womanly | Tall | Short ? Find out now and take their test. Try it here
Tell me what body type you guys are, I am super curious...mine is athletic???
P.S. You can't buy this one pictured...cause it is mine!
I'm a pencil. Nice.
I just discovered this website last week and added it to my favorites, love the dresses!
I am a pencil - can't wait until I am a 'true' pencil shape again, without the babyfat on my hips....
i'm athletic too.
I'm an .....apple??
mom is an apple! You are what you eat! That is funny...sorry mom!
i'm an apple....i would like to know what that looks like on a real person...not a drawing.
Mel, you are not an apple....re-do it! And most dresses are on a mannequin or a model.
mel your a pencil.
yeah...i re-did it with mom here. i am a pencil. i didn't know what willowy or rubenesque and all that meant.
yeah mel, ...that makes more sense! LOL
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