Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Family Outing to the Coast

I have been so busy traveling that I havn't had time to sit and post some pictures. I finally edited some of my favorite pictures that I took when my family came to visit. We stayed at our beach house on the coast and had a great time.
The kids put on a show for us and we roasted marshmallows and visited some beautiful light houses. My kids love their cousins so much, we just wish we could see them more!


Lorna Kyle Boot said...

family getting together is pure joy!! Mom/Nanny

Nikki said...

good you didn't have any of me in there!

melanie said...

or any of me.....

melanie said...

it was a fun weekend! ty and i really want to come up again soon. THANKSGIVING MAYBE????

SHANNA said...

I can't wait until we can be included in one of these fun awesome get togethers! ONE DAY- hopefully soon!! miss you guys, love the pics.

A Rosie Family said...

Fun times! I love that the kids are in long sleeves, jackets and pants in one picture and in swim suits in another!!

Anonymous said...

The first photo looks like an ad! the colors look gorgeous! We can't wait to come spend time WITH you guys at your beach house.

Louise said...

Y'all know how to have a good time- that's for sure!!! Sorry I missed you in GA!!! :(