Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's official!

I have a middle schooler! Yep, Brooklyn May graduated from 5th grade & she starts middle school in the fall.

I am a bundle of feelings about this new change. It brings some freedom for me, since I now have a live-in babysitter, and I can rely on her more and more as she gets older. But it also means freedom for Brooklyn, which ultimately means that she is growing up. And I have a harder time with that.

I know everyone says how fast time flies and to cherish every moment, but really it is true. I seems like last week she was the funny little 2 yr old making everyone laugh with her high voice and perfect vocabulary.

While she still does have that little high voice and perfect vocabulary, she is growing up right before our eyes. She truly is such a great girl and everyone who knows her loves her. And I love that she keeps on surprising us, like what a fierce competitor she has become in swimming. We didn't see that coming and we didn't know that was in her. She still surprises us every day and makes us so proud in everything she does.


Rboot said...

Yes, she is special...! IT must be from the great influence of grandparents.

Trish said...

I'm going through all those same feelings with Gav. It just feels like such a huge milestone and change. Brooklyn is such a sweet girl! I loved meeting her last year! And maybe we can let Gav meet her in like, 10 years, or so! :-)

melanie said...

i agree....WE LOVE YOU BIDS!!

Nikki said...

i like her stance- like i'm too cool now stand! love ya bids

Aimee said...

How do you think I feel. I will have three in high school (one a senior!) next year!!! Time goes by so fast but it's so fun.

She is so cute. You can see her cute attitude come out in that pic.

mid said...
