School started..yeahhh!!! They were both so excited and ready for school. The girl layed out their new school suppies every night and just looked at them and re-arranged them a million times. Then night before, Brooklyn carefully layed out their outfits, and packed the lunches, and told Lily exactly what to expect the next day.
They were so excited, you would think it was christmas!
So, the next morning we got up and got dressed and the girls literally sat by the door waiting for the Ok to walk to the bus stop.
You could tell that Lily was anxious, but she was so excited too and thought she was so big!
I followed the bus to the school so that I could help Lily find her classroom, once we arrived at the door to wait for the teacher, she moved closer to me...and watched the other kids line up, without saying a word, the first time that I have ever seen her so quiet!
FInally the doors opened, and Lily walked right in. She found her desk, picked up a crayon and started coloring right away, I could tell that she was so happy, she needed to be back in school so bad, this is her element...miss independent!!
Brooklyn was excited to go also, and she was the BIG sister, helping her little sister with everything, and introducing her to her friends at school. She is in a classroom without her best friends, but I think she will do fine, she makes friends easily and she is such a good student, and is so obedient and loves to choose the right. She loved her teacher, so that is a big plus!!
I'm Norna?...ok Julie and others (Hi Julie...LOVE your photos and your writing!) Norna is Melissa's totally cool Canadian, southern mama....Lorna it comes from the Nornaments that M'liss used to give me for Christmas.....see ya''ll in Portland tomorrow night.
forgot to say....I'm a blogger now...but its newsy and how-to-y. I goot get crackin and do some more writin.
..that would be... "got to" get crackin...
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