Sunday, February 8, 2009

New picture

I havn't taken very many recent pictures of myself, so I thought I would post a new one.


SHANNA said...

WOW! you look awesome.

Amy C said...

Ahhh...The trip to London wasn't just business. I see you also had some "work" done while you were there. The surgeon did a nice job reshaping your head ;-P

Anonymous said...

Time has been on your side. For sure.

melanie said...

oh wow....

Louise said...

my kids are addicted to photo booth!!! Love the London pix!!!!!!!!!!

Hess Fam said...

wow...quite the make-over! I'm interested to see your hair for real?! It looks super cute! (in a weird picture sort of way!)

Swangerlings said...

That is the definition of crazy, sexy, cool!

Anonymous said...

MAN! you get hotter every day!!!

Jessica said...

Very Sexy! lol

Erickson Family said...

your hair is getting so long! I miss mine...

A Rosie Family said...
