Friday, February 27, 2009

Miss Lily

Lily is the second child, and I admit that sometimes she gets forgotten. She is the one that never asks for anything, she is easy to please. And because of this she gets looked over easier and our attention goes to the most demanding of our kids. 

I am trying to make extra effort to show her that she is not forgotten and to show her that she is special. This week I am trying to put together a book for her.  Images of her as a baby, in a beautiful hard cover bound book.

Around the time when Lily was born digital cameras were starting to become affordable, so we made our big purchase, a $200 Cannon something. I didn't really know what I was doing, or what pixels meant....and now I am regretting making all the images as small as possible. But I was happy that I didn't have to develop film, so I didn't. 

Over the past 6 years, I have owned 5 computers and saved her digital pictures on each of them. Unfortunately all but 1 of those computers have crashed (thankfully I did back ups). So, now I am digging through the hundreds of backup disks to find pictures of miss Lily so she is not forgotten. 

She was the cutest baby, she really was. She was happy, slept through the night, and she was quiet. Which is funny if you know her now. She didn't talk one word until she was 3, and then 2 years of speech therapy later, she doesn't stop talking (just ask her teacher at school) and she is our loudest kid. 

I found these images and though they are horrible quality, I loved looking and remembering what a sweet and funny baby she was.


Jennifer said...

How CUTE she was and still is. I need to get my photo books done too.

melanie said...

awww.... so cute!

Rboot said...

Lily...quiet? She would have made a good hippy in the 60's.

Nikki said...

aaawww i miss little lily...she was s cute baby.

Anonymous said...

I remember when she was born, I thought, "she looks just like her poppy." She has always been a darling little girl and I forgot that she was so quiet. I was jealous. Never had a quiet baby until Henry.

SHANNA said...

she really is so beautiful and sweet! we miss her. what a nice thing to do. i should do that for my kids. good idea melissa!

Swangerlings said...

She is so stink'in cute! I feel the same way about Eve even though she is the oldest she gets left out and that makes me so sad as her mother cause I love her so much. And she is my only girl and might always be. Eve also had speech problems- she was considered severe even up until kindergarten and now after over 3 years you can't shut her up

Anonymous said...

awwww..I remember how adorable she was..she was this age when I first "met" you....they grow up waaay too fast!