Friday, May 1, 2009

What have I been up to??

Well, if you must know. I am putting together a cook book...yeah I know totally random. I have a goal to cook more this year, but every time I go to cook or bake something I have to search through every cook book just to find my favorites, and too much work so I generally give up and make something generic.

So, I decided to put all of my favorite recipes {and some from family members} into one book with pictures, just for my use.

So, if you have any amazing recipes that I MUST add to to this book please send them to me!


Swangerlings said...

That is a great idea! I hate thrumming through all my cookbooks trying to find the one I really need.

SHANNA said...

did you get the one's i sent? i made the pasta, spinach and chicken dish the other night! it was a huge success. i am so excited to get this book. what a great idea.

Anonymous said...

I still haven't sent them because i haven't had time to type them out. But I will do that tonight. Great idea.

Kerry said...

can I add a page to the cookbook that just says "mcdonald's drive thru" ? It is my family's favorite.