Friday, September 12, 2008

#26. I used to beat up kids in band. Ok, I know that sounds wrong and a bit confusing, but there is a good explanation.

There was a "bully" in our 7th-8th grade band class, and one day he was talking trash to my brother Robbie. Have you ever seen the the movie Christmas Story where Ralphie lost it and beat up the bully? Well, that was me, I guess I just lost it. It was pretty bad. The kid was crying, I think I was crying, and Robbie was crying because he was laughing so hard.

I am not sure what ever happened to the kid, I think he might have moved away soon after the incident, maybe because he got beat up by a girl?


Anonymous said...

nice one, Robbie.

SHANNA said...

i've heard this story so many times! i LOVE that rob's little sister had to stick up for him. i would have loved to have been there!

Rboot said...

I think you did that twice. Remember the boy in our ward when we lived in Brighton? I also remember when Jeff Stevenson hit you....guess you were just mouthy!

Nikki said...

thats my sister!!!

tish said...

who was it? i don't remember this!!

biddles and scootch said...

I can't even remember his name.....he was a total dork!

Lorna Kyle Boot said...

and remember when Jeff hit you (I think you hit him back and you probably did mouth off) but remember what dad did next??? He had that obnoxious boy pinned up to the wall (of the church) so fast and just held him there staring him down with that Nazi look - you know how that goes...the look that can whither a person in 2 seconds. Way more terrifying than words or hitting! The fear of what might happen next is always worse. None of the other men there stopped him either. I think they were glad someone finally stood up to him.